I'll probably get sued for this post. After all, Supernatural British Columbia is a trademark of our lovely provincial destination marketing agency. I know. I used to be one of its directors. Doubly sued then. Anyway, welcome to my site!
We're going to keep things simple. This is my personal site for all things fiction. If you came here for my opinions about other things I do (rural development, economics), you're in the wrong place. If you want that - find me on LinkedIn. From this point on it's all things fiction.
Here you'll find news about my latest releases, past fiction, links to purchasing said fiction (please do), news and updates about me (writing, reviews, writing-related topics) and an option to contact me. Please don't contact me to sell things or to sell publicity services. I have a publicist, his contact information is on the contact page. He's a great guy. Talk to him.
If, however, you want to requisition me for writing/editing/public relations services, by all means, reach out.
Anyway, what's the deal with me? Scroll below this lovely picture of a spooky West Coast forest to find out!

I started writing when I was 12, mostly because my good friend Jon (Pandin, if you're out there, this is your fault) called me lame for still playing with G.I. Joe's and Star Wars toys. And no one wants to be lame when they're 12. For what it's worth, he was wrong. I should've kept going. Good news is Jon's rebuke sent my imagination to a safer place - the page. I started with fantasy. Still love fantasy, it's my home. Somewhere along the way I got into spooky stuff. Look, horror has always scared me. Still does. But I also love creature features, pulpy terrifying tales of things that go bump in the night, all things Halloween, dark and mysterious. I'm a mega fan of Stephen King, Robert E. Howard, H.P. Lovecraft, Jonathan Janz, Stephen Graham Jones, Peter Straub, Paul Tremblay, John Langan, Hailey Piper, Eric LaRocca, Laurel Hightower, etc., etc. The list goes on. I think it was Jones who said, "Horror isn't an obsession, it's a love affair." Right you are, Dr. Jones.
Yet, I'm a fairly practical person from a practical family. After high school, I was in retail, then inside/outside sales, and realized as much as I wanted to write pulp fiction for a living I was deeply worried there was no living to be made in it. And academia wasn't my bag. So, I went back to school for journalism thinking the news business might lead to the publishing business. It doesn't.
I went from community news to business journalism, got pretty good at it, won some accolades, became an editor and realized living in Vancouver off a newspaperman's salary just wasn't going to cut it. Plus, I was nowhere near closer to my dream. What I did realize was that I loved the wilds of British Columbia, the forgotten or unknown places, the history of the province, the rural outback and small towns. The issues.
After one failed marriage, I pulled up anchor and moved to Prince George and got into public relations. Best move I ever made. I'd found my place. I did that for four years, working in every town in Northern B.C. helping elected councils and administration deal with media, citizens and local issues, and then I was appointed CEO of the economic trust I worked for. Yes. Strange indeed. I was pretty young too, only 31.
I've spent the last eight years running that business, growing it, building a team, trying to drive development in the vast, rural north. I guided it through wildfires, floods, COVID-19, multiple economic disasters and some interesting politics. Somewhere along the way I started writing fiction again. A lot of it. And it was horror, almost exclusively. And all of it set in Northern British Columbia or inspired by it.
So, here we are with a website dedicated to that type of fiction, which, I think, is fairly unique. People often ask me why I write what I write. Here's why: it's what I want to read, it's about things that interest me in places that inspire me and draws on things that I know. There's not much else to it. It's a love affair. I also want to scare the hell out of you with it. And maybe myself.
So, please, visit my site. Check back for regular updates. Buy my fiction and tell your friends about it. And, yeah, if you want to hire me to write your Hollywood blockbuster, by all means, shoot me a line.